Saturday, April 2, 2011

Encouraged by...Haggai?

So I've been in this slump with God lately. I am not mad at Him, I am just discontented. I know He is teaching me lessons, but I don't really want to learn them right now. So I've done the stupid and common thing; I've decided to slowly let myself separate from Him. We're not talking renouncing my faith or committing flagrant sins in defiance. We're talking giving God leftovers and not really engaging my heart in worshiping Him. I'm still walking the walk, but my heart is grumbling.
   And for those of you who have done this dance, you can guess how things have been going for me. I've been full of stress and anxiety. I am frustrated with the world and all who live there. I've been feeling helpless and hopeless and generally disgruntled. I have some great friends who are helpful advisers and they encouraged me to take time to be with God.
    God and I had a date today. One hour spent outside with my blanket, my Bible, and a journal. I read in some of my favorite books (Romans!!) and journaled some thoughts. I have recently been studying about the true gospel message and Romans is a good place to go. I learned from today's reading that I do righteous deeds because I am a slave to righteousness and no longer a slave to sin. All good and pretty encouraging stuff. But I was still feeling that grumble in my insides.
    I started to pray that God would move me away from this fear I have inside me. Fear that I am unable to solve all the world's problems and fear that I will not be able to fix my own problems and fear that I will not get to live my life exactly the way I planned (All things that I actually am unable to do). I prayed again and again that God would cause me to trust Him and seek Him. I wrote down all the reasons why I shouldn't worry and why God is able to protect and care for me (He is loving and promised to care for me, He is powerful and is able to care for me).
   Then I looked up "trust" in my concordance. It brought me to Zephaniah and that was a good read. It encouraged me that God does love and care for me. I then looked at the next book, Haggai.
  Hmm...when's the last time I read Haggai? So I decided to conquer all 2 chapters of it. It starts out with God telling his people that they need to rebuild the temple. They have returned to Israel and are concerned about rebuilding their own lives, but God's house is in ruins. He then explains why things haven't been going so well for them lately - they haven't invested in the worship of God! God reminds them that they had struggles building the first temple and that it was so beautiful and so difficult to create. But then he promises that His Spirit is still with them and they have nothing to fear. He said that this temple will be more beautiful than the first and they would be even more blessed after it was completed.
   So here I am trying to rebuild my house and worried about all the things I have no control over while I'm letting God's temple lie in ruins. And then, when I realize that I've kind of let things go, I worry over how I'm going to rebuild it, how I'm going to find the time and energy to make it right. My brain goes right into 'fix it now!' mode and I start to fret. And God says to me, "My Spirit is still with you, do not fear." God can fix the temple in my heart, even though I've let it fall apart. He's got me and He's promised to bless me. Praise God for Haggai!


Bethany @happyhomemakerme said...

Thank you for this! I needed to be reminded, too.

♥ Bethany

Bina said...

As one who can relate all too well to this post...I smile and send you e-hugs this fine morning. I love that He keeps on loving, even in the face of our humanity!!


Rachel Nakor(u) said...

Thanks for this. :D

Guess what? I've been teaching math every day recently. It's reminded me of a certain someone. :D