Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wreckless Cooking While Under the Influence of a Stupid Teen Novel

So before you can understand the depths of my sadness you must understand two facts: 1) I once read that the kitchen sink is filled with more germs than a toilet. Since then I've been petrified of anything that touches the sink. 2) I hate to waste food. Wasting food has been ingrained in me as the worst kind of evil.
    So every morning I make shakes for me and my roommate for breakfast. These shakes sometimes can be hard to blend if I add too many berries. This morning's shakes were a killer. I spent half the time mixing it by hand to get all the berries to the bottom and it took me twice as long to make. I was running late for church and I was trying to put everything back when I knocked my cup into the sink. "Noooo!" I screamed. I had no other quick breakfast food to bring with me and I didn't know what to do. I saw the shake in the sink and I thought, "scoop or not to scoop" I had this argument in my head between oh-the-money and oh-the-germs. I got a spoon and scooped the top section off the surface and dumped it into my shake. I then poured a little of Julie's shake into mine and warned her that she needed to have a little extra food with her breakfast. I tried not to think of the germs as I made my way to church. Julie keeps the sink impeccably clean, so it's probably just my own ocd that makes me freak out.
    This evening I made chicken and rice soup for dinner. Once everything's prepped it's mostly just stirring, so I brought in a chair and my book. Once my mise en place was set up with seasonings, I just stirred and read. And then my book got really good. You see, Anna just realized that she was in love with St.Clair and she just got back to Paris and she wasn't sure if they could maintain their friendship now that she was aware of her feelings and he bought her a banana charm and it was so sweet...and then I needed to add the seasonings. So I opened up the bottle of thyme and started to shake as I continued to read. The bottle felt strangely empty and I realized the thyme bottle is my only spice bottle that has no shaker lid, just an open top.

   I gasped as I looked at the entire contents of my thyme bottle floating on the surface of my boiling soup. I grabbed a spoon and scooped out as much as I could and laughed at myself. I always have a problem with underseasoning, I guess I would not have that problem today. The soup turned out pretty good, but I guess I need to pay better attention when I cook. Apparently I can no longer read and cook at the same time. The soup turned out fine but I now need to buy some more thyme...if I could have thyme in a bottle, I would put a shaker spout on it.

I need to focus better when I cook


Anonymous said...

love reading your stories and looking at your photos. where did you get your germ phobe from???

Brenda said...

I really don't have too much of a germ phobia, it only is for the kitchen sink and public restrooms. Basically it comes from two sources: my mom and random articles I read. Did you know that public restrooms with one stall or those with three stalls are statistically cleaner than bathrooms with two stalls? You do now.