I always ask my kids a non-math related question at the end of each test. The latest one was, "What is love? Give an example." and I got quite a few great answers and I thought I'd share some of them with you all.
Love is like a fat kid and food.
A four letter word
Love is finding happiness. It is unexplainable, but still it exists. Although it is not perfect, it can be healing or painful. The joy of a loved one around you is also different from the pain of losing a loved one. It can be found in the hardest places, but still it is there. It can be love for friends or family, each love has a different meaning. People say it is hard to find, but it is everywhere. The pain of losing your beloved dog is so terrifyingly hard to forget, while cuddling on a couch during the cold winter is very warm. It is different in every situation and person. It is undefined.
What is love? Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
Love is where people are willing to care for one another. To love someone that is not blood related to you is the most difficult and magnificent of all. If two people are willing to set aside their differences and are willing to protect one another. The couple must feel comfortable around each other and not let anything stop them from loving each other. This is love, the way it should be.
...sorry, I got nothing...
Backward it would spell Evol (Evil) Coincidence?
1. I believe there is a song with that title.
2. Scientifically, it is the urge in animals to reproduce. That's all.
God is love; He sent His only son to die for us.
And that, my friends, is why I teach.
Glad to have met you today...no matter how crazy the reason!! haha
Loved this post...
(or the girl who sat by you at the table at the baby shower before you had to jump up and leave!!)
I'm glad you won the game :) I really enjoyed talking with you and your daughter. I also have enjoyed reading your blog...talk about blog envy.
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