SUMMERTIME! It's our vacation (all HSM2 fans know what I'm talking about and if you're asking yourself "What's HSM2?" you're not one of them). Today was my last day of work until the end of August and it's not real yet. This year has been the toughest of my teaching career and I certainly learned a lot. Here is a list of lessons I've learned:
1) I am a good teacher, but I still need to work on discipline. I need to realize that all kids aren't like me, so some don't need reminders of what to do, but need to be told, every day, several times.
2) When reading the names at commencement (my first year doing this). I looked at the faces of each kid as I said his/her name. I was overwhelmed by the number of kids that I had somehow been a part of. What an amazing job I have! I get to be a part of thousands of lives. Whether they remember me or not, I still can make a difference. That sounds cheesy and I know it is, but it’s still cool.
3) I need sleep. I've been working on about 5 or 6 hours for the past two weeks and I'm cranky and moody and unmotivated. Well, as cranky as I get.
4) Respect is really important. I have students that respect me because I've poured respect on them. I have two students who don't because after constant disrespect from them, I caved and was rude back. That was when the battle was lost. I could no longer say, "I've never been disrespectful to you..." That is sometimes the hardest part of my job.
5) Words are powerful. My students have encouraged me so much in these last few days. They have written me letters, signed my yearbook, or said to me how much I've helped them. What a great job! People say that teachers don't get appreciated and maybe in some ways that's true. People outside of education may look down on teachers as a group (those that can do, those that can’t….). Yet in my job I get accolades every day from coworkers and from students. How many people have jobs where the people they work for cry because your job is finished? They give you gifts in thanks and say that you've changed their life for the better? Maybe Dr.'s and the people from Extreme Home Makeover.
6) Kids can change for the better. One student who was a particular challenge this year actually ended the year with a wonderful showing of maturity and leadership. He got an A in my class and was so respectful. I have hope.
7) Teachers need summer to remind them that they love their job. They also need to experience life without homework. And for those of you with 'real' jobs who are still working and are complaining about the cush 3 months off we get, let me tell you some things. First, it's only 2 months. Second, we don't get paid time off. Third, have you ever spent 7 hours a day with 168 Jr. Highers for 180 days? Trust me, you'd need the break too.
Well, don't call me at 6:15 in the morning tomorrow, because I will be sleeping. I'm free as a bird for 5 days and then my crazy summer starts. I'm going to enjoy every minute.
i agree and you are avery nice person and teacher! Almost as nice as having your granddaughter come up and say ,"grandma,I love you" is the accolade from a student. Almost, not quite...
Amen and Amen!
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